I'm a research scientist who finds sustainable materials solutions by using computational methods including atomic simulations and AI. Through many degrees, I trained to be able to build and use software that can predict properties on different material systems, such as how toxic additives are in consumer products, and how long it will take plastic to biodegrade. I also get to wrap those softwares in very pretty websites that make them easily accessible to consumers. My technical skillset allows me to discover materials which are more environmentally friendly, and help others do the same.
Along the way I have had some incredible opportunities to work in Aachen, Germany, and Tokyo, Japan learning about textile production and solar cells. My favorite memories also include presenting my research ideas to adidas because I cold-messaged someone on LinkedIn and asked if I could, and planting rice! I've gotten the privilege of being the dumbest person in the room, like when I walked on to my D1 track team in an event I hadn't done before, learning how to lift weights and train with some of the best women in the country. My education has allowed me to explore the world and learn about relating to others which has affected me far more than what I learned in my courses.
I'm motivated to be the best global citizen I can be, being painfully conscious to the injustice that has been built into so many of the systems we rely on. I absolutely believe that we as individuals should take as much responsibility as possible in creating a world with clean air and water and free of violence, even though most of the problems are caused by systems and institutions. I feel very grateful to have met so many different people in different cultures throughout my life to give me perspective on just how many different ways life is lived, and how lucky I am to be in my position.
The best thing I've learned is to be myself, say my opinion, especially when I don't hear or see anyone else in the room like me. Being a little bit too loud will let you find unexpected friends, opportunities, and the peace of not regretting putting yourself out there.
I love sharing my story, learning about others, sports, and talking about how we can save the planet.
Welcome to my website.
Brandi Ransom, PhD